Reflection and Evaluation of OASE 2020

Pramuka OASE 2020 doesn't really have that many activities, and the main event for 2020 is canceled due to COVID-19 so I can say it could have been better. Way better. But there are still some activities that I really enjoy this term.

The activity that I liked most was Juru Rupa. The mentors would say a specific item or topic, and we had to draw them. They would just say something like "tank". And we were confused, what kind of tank? Water tank? Military tank? They didn't tell us. So we had to draw them based on what we think it is. If we think that it's an oil tank then we will draw an oil tank. Same goes for the other kinds.

It was really fun to do. The most challenging part is that we had to do it in a small amount of time. Everybody wants their drawings to look nice, but by being given a short amount of time, we all panicked and rushed on our drawings until some parts of our drawings looked wonky and scribble-ish. But some of my friends didn't eventry at all, which ended up making their drawings look plain and unfinished. Which is really funny actually.

It sounds like something frustrating, but it was all just fun and games really. 

After that, we sat down in a circle and were told to draw toys. There was Le Petit Prince, a police toy, and a water tank toy. I chose to draw the tank toy and it was quite hard since it had quite a lot of detail. But since I usually don't really draw details that much on a daily basis, it was a good chance on learning to mind the details. 
I missed Juru Rupa a lot. Since Spice Space, there weren't any serious Juru Rupa activities so I definitely enjoyed this short drawing session.

My hopes for the next term of OASE pramuka is that we can have camping events for the kids, like LDK last year. Even though the kakak pembina made me walk at night just to ran into a motorbike gang, and made me cry because they forced me to eat, it was a really fun and a memorable experience. I hope we can have something like that next term too. 

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